Various Artists / Euphony
Album: Euphony   Collection:Hip-hop
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Sep 2001
Label:Centrifugal Phorce  

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Euphony Euphony Alpha
2. Hangar Prison
3. Aesop Rock,Vast Aire, Yeshua Sinister
4. Lodeck and Despot Cynical Bastards
5. Aesop Rock Water
6. Cryptic One Half Life
7. Vast Aire His Majesty's Laughter
8. Greenhouse Effect Woke Up this Morning
9. Presence, the Centerbird
10. It Eff the Heard 97
11. Atoms Family & Greenhouse ... Time to Unravel
12. Lodeck Stethoscope Alley
13. Aesop Rock Coma Remix
14. Euphony Euphony Omega