Sinister Luck Ensemble / Anniversary
Album: Anniversary   Collection:General
Artist:Sinister Luck Ensemble   Added:Apr 2002

Recent Airplay
1. May 25, 2010: Scram!
Deep Ellum
3. Aug 07, 2002: Strange Attractors
Spit in the Well
2. Sep 06, 2004: Short Song Marathon
4. Jun 18, 2002: Strange Attractors
This Will All Be Yours

Album Review
Red West
Reviewed 2002-04-22
Nice instrumentals should appeal to the highbrow alt-rock crowd. 1.short jazz into, plaintive sax 2. Kinda quiet & noisy intro goes into melodic minor key "rachel's" like instrumental featuring guitar & flute, some accordian, noisy part again at end 3. Sweet, I zoned out and forgot I was reviewing this CD 10. Like a soundtrack 12.pastoral

and my 2nd review, having forgotten about the first:
mellow instrumentals for indie rockers craving culture. From Chicago. Think Rachel's. 1. sax, oops cornet! intro 2. The band plays in pulses, then a soundtracky part, nice use of accordian, pulses again at end for emphasis. 3.little lilt. Sounds like there's a little surface damage on my player, may skip 4.rumbles, on't sound so good in the car 5.countryish, almost swinging 6.rumble drums intro, slow acoustic & slide guitar 7.accordian weirdness, hi hat, guitar plucks around 8.midtempo and dreamy 9.short quiet ambient little structure 10.slows guitar based, too repetitive 11.another rumble track gets a little musical at end 12.pleasant non-percussive accordian/cello/guitar track

Track Listing
1. Anniversary   7. Small of the Back
2. The Black Pool   8. What Holds Them Above
3. Cakewalk   9. Channel
4. Sinister Luck   10. Deep Ellum
5. Spit in the Well   11. The Astonished Heart
6. Resevation Dream   12. This Will All Be Yours