Duchesne, Andre / Polaroide
Album: Polaroide   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Duchesne, Andre   Added:Apr 2002
Label:Ambiances Magnetique  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2002-10-21 Pull Date: 2002-12-23 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Nov 24 Nov 17 Nov 3
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 22, 2002: Memory Select
3. Nov 01, 2002: Memory Select
Polaroide Iv
2. Nov 10, 2002: Oh Messy Life

Album Review
Reviewed 2002-10-17
Andre Duchesne: Polaroide
Label: DAME
Duchesne plays classical guitar, and he is paired with Jean Rene who plays viola. Most of this CD is consistently slow to midtempo, and it is mostly unstructured improvised music. I found this CD to be kind of uninspiring - Duchesne isn't showing much range of ideas and isn't exploring anything, and I found the tracks to be overly similar to each other. The track I found most interesting is #10 (the end of the title suite) but the rest... not so memorable.
1. meandering viola work with insistent guitar interplay
2. sparse & unstructured guitar work meandering about
3. kind of stop-start herky-jerky
4. starts sparsely and picks up some momentum later
5. very slow; starts w/ hi-pitched viola squeal and goes into mellow guitar
6. some dramatic string work, long notes
7. viola & guitar duet - loosely playing together & apart
8. dramatic cymbal crashes & viola moments
9. spy-like ambience & chill-out crawl
10. insistent viola notes & metallic creaking close out this piece
11. meandering viola & loose guitar w/ some intense drumming
12. sparse, relaxed, occasional plucks & strums & notes

Track Listing
1. Ca Va, Ca Va   7. Gaspesie Interieure
2. Carnaval   8. Polaroide Ii
3. Negociations   9. Polaroide Iii
4. Affirmations   10. Polaroide Iv
5. Polaroide I   11. Lac Kenogami 2040
6. Villes Circulaires   12. Bleu Carreaute