Smith, Roger / Green Wood
Album: Green Wood   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Smith, Roger   Added:Jul 2002

Recent Airplay
1. Sep 13, 2002: Memory Select
Wood Green Waltz
3. Aug 16, 2002: Memory Select
Forward Fast
2. Aug 30, 2002: Memory Select
North 22 (No Catch)
4. Aug 02, 2002: Memory Select
Waltz with Heating

Album Review
Craig Matsumoto
Reviewed 2002-08-08
Solo acoustic-guitar improv. Abstract but with a focus on melodies and harmonies (actual *notes*!); Smith ventures into Derek Bailey territory only rarely. It's more relaxing that Joe Morris' "Singularity" CD but obviously not easy listening.

Of the three long tracks, #4 is the most pleasant and consistant, although it gets into a bit of a rut. #8 is good for the first and last three minutes, but the middle has long quiet patches that get tiresome. #11 seems the best of the three, carrying darker qualities than #4.

Other tracks:
6 - Peacefull, lots of harmonics
12 - Lots of clacky percolating.

Track Listing
1. Wood Green Waltz   7. An Extract
2. North 22 (No Catch)   8. Diminuendo & Crescendo ...
3. Forward Fast   9. Saul's Beret Rode
4. Extended Ploy   10. Local Twang
5. Strange Interlude   11. The Last of the Season
6. Waltz with Heating   12. Arse Myth