Rolo Tomase / Plan B
Album: Plan B   Collection:General
Artist:Rolo Tomase   Added:Nov 2002
Label:Sic Audio Reproductions  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2003-04-28 Pull Date: 2003-06-30
Week Ending: Jun 29 Jun 8 Jun 1 May 25 May 18 May 11 May 4
Airplays: 1 1 1 4 2 3 3

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 22, 2003: Fly By Night
Word Life
4. May 24, 2003: Morning Glory
Stripped Throat
2. Jun 06, 2003: The Digital/Analog War
5. May 23, 2003: The Digital/Analog War
3. May 28, 2003: The Subterranean Giraffe
Stripped Throat
6. May 21, 2003: The Subterranean Giraffe

Album Review
Reviewed 2003-03-17
Rolo Tomase "Plan B" [label: Sic Audio Productions]
Yay instrumental post-rock! A little "!!!" (chik chik chik) here, a little Isotope 217 there. Tracks 3 & 8 speak the language of funk, tracks 1, 4, & 10 are whispy soundscapes like Brokeback, and tracks 2, 5, 6, & 9 rock out with a little jazz mixed in, like 90 Day Men. -nari

1. formless prelude of mysterious drum splashes, ringing guitars, and cello harmonics (2:47)
2. very rhythmic, pensive, tense, rockin (5:47)
3. this is the !!!-like track, with the wicka-chicka's and funk (5:43)
4. formless and arty sound collage, with long, staid piano chords and random percussion sprinkles (2:43)
5. after a brief quiet beginning, uptempo energetic indie rock with twinkly guitars. at 4:07, becomes a bluesy jam. (10:16)
6. creepy spider jam that gets faster and faster (7:53)
7. really fast, bombastic rock out track; really short (1:39)
8. more funk clichés, slow and groovy jam (6:45)
9. this is really good, catchy beat & ominous Jaws baseline (4:54)
10. ooh, solo electric guitar emotive jazz line (1:47)

Track Listing
1. A   6. Fightins
2. A'   7. Filler
3. Word Life   8. Extrapolation
4. Picking and Breathing   9. Stripped Throat
5. Struggle   10. North