Felipe, Dino / Xanaconversex
Album: Xanaconversex   Collection:General
Artist:Felipe, Dino   Added:Jan 2003
Label:Schematic Music Company  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2003-04-28 Pull Date: 2003-06-30 Charts: Electronic, Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jun 22 Jun 8 Jun 1 May 18 May 11 May 4
Airplays: 1 1 1 2 3 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 28, 2004: sad and dangerous
4. Jun 06, 2003: The Digital/Analog War
Slutt Petal (2 Crunch)
2. Nov 05, 2003: sad and dangerous
Slutt Petal (2 Crunch)
5. May 29, 2003: sad and dangerous
3. Jun 18, 2003: bite and hide
Slutt Petal (2 Crunch)
6. May 15, 2003: sad and dangerous
Sexual Boats (Guitars Float)

Album Review
Reviewed 2003-04-15
REALLY GREAT!!! Wow, something interesting and experimental out of Miami?! Glitchy and playful very much like Aphex Twin’s Richard D. James album but still sweet and human sometimes like Mum, this album is seriously good all the way through!!! The blips and noises are well timed and thought out, and the beats are deep and catchy, all of which creates a coherent album that smoothly travels from experimental to chilled. Very cool. 2, 5, 4, 9.

1. sequences of glitches, slightly aggressive.
2. eerie shrieks, then a catchy jungle beat. quirky and sweet, then a disintegration to more percussive sounds. very, very cool.
3. stuttering rhythm followed by typewriter-like samples.
4. great up-tempo, jungle beat with nice blips and screeches.
5. samples then breaks into super catchy smooth electronica beat, interspersed with jungle blips and rolls. another very cool track.
6. quirky glitches and blips that build into an almost rhythm.
7. great continuous texture of blips, glitches, etc.
8. chilled electronica beat with nice chime-y melody (a la orbital) disintegrates into water gargling noises and tunneling sounds.
9. much like #8 but even more chilled, nostalgic and pretty.

Track Listing
1. Shoep   5. Pinky
2. Slutt Petal (2 Crunch)   6. Efter Lift
3. Plunk Extend   7. Phyllis
4. Strictly Genericize   8. Butterfri
  9. Sexual Boats (Guitars Float)