Curse of the Birthmark / Curse of the Birthmark
Album: Curse of the Birthmark   Collection:Deep Storage 200703
Artist:Curse of the Birthmark   Added:Feb 2003

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2003-04-28 Pull Date: 2003-06-30

Album Review
DJ Oxpecker
Reviewed 2003-04-08
Curse of the Birthmark—A strange industrial marriage of John Zorn instrumental passages and thrash punk vocals. Fairly poor quality on the recordings…mixed but not yet mastered…not that it matters that much in this case. Some interesting sounds but nothing very inspiring or original. All the songs are short and drive quickly to their conclusions. Check 1, 2, 4, 6, 8
1)Cacophonic symbols and driving floor toms crashing about within the band 2)Strong drum/bass/guitar pulse with an ultra-undulating and faintly “eastern” noise guitar over the top 3)Surges industrial, more playful. Heavy bass call and a noise response. 4)Strained but intelligible lyrics shouted over more undulating bass—like a video-game racecar from hell revving and revving. 5)Low-fi vocals—faster tin guitar and symbol 6)pinball sounds form space layers upon itself to a sustained metallic-pounding screech—“Monster Imitates Car” 7)Spastic and crazy. Noise-guitar bird crying and squawking to escape its harsh cage, scolded by the vocalist—the chaos of confrontation 8)modulating buzzàold rock drum beat. Very cool guitar buzzing section. 9)Hard symbol/bass drum…more of the same guitar…ehh…

Track Listing
1. Welcome to the Hard Times   5. Alibis
2. Le Phant   6. Monsters Imitates Car
3. Sad Soul of the Deep South   7. The New Classic
4. 1700 Witches   8. God:
  9. Prison Riot