Monopot / Optipess
Album: Optipess   Collection:General
Artist:Monopot   Added:Feb 2003
Label:Smalltown Supersound  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2003-05-12 Pull Date: 2003-07-14
Week Ending: Jun 1 May 25 May 18
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. May 28, 2003: the discovery channel
3. May 14, 2003: Off the Path
2. May 22, 2003: sad and dangerous

Track Listing
1. Diamant   5. Sebastian
2. Aloft   6. The Arc and the Beagle
3. Erlingvik   7. Scena Napoletana
4. Bomb of Bliss   8. The Beginning