Kevin Kling / Wonderlure
Album: Wonderlure   Collection:Spoken Word
Artist:Kevin Kling   Added:Mar 2003
Label:East Side Digital  

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 07, 2009: Live from Orangeasm its Wednesday Night
Demo Derby
3. Nov 23, 2004: Storytime!
Demo Derby
2. Aug 31, 2006: Storytime!
Demo Derby

Album Review
Reviewed 2003-04-17
Stories told by a droll, minimally animated Minnesotan. The stories are personal and often touching but not bathos-drenched. Note, this is not a comedy recording but there are some traces of humor, as there is bound to be in any well-told real-life tale.

1. Kling crashes his motorbike, gets doped in the hospital, and gets metaphysical - interestingly rationalizing his own storytelling
2. Kling buys a classmate's artwork, sells some art himself, then posits a paid-for showing of a classmate's scar as performance art
3. Demolition derby day causes Kling's mom to bemoan the fate of her old car, while Kling gives a true taste of a Midwestern ritual
4. Fishing story with Wonderlure(tm) as amulet
5. Story of being a youthful baseball hitter who wasn't permitted to swing at pitches mutates into an inspiring tale of Do-It-Yourself ethos
6. Tales of home and grandma's cooking of pigs
7. Kling runs a marathon and describes the highs and the lows of such
8. Tale of the colorful uncle who smokes the best BBQ

Track Listing
1. Accident   5. Md Carnival
2. Buying Art   6. Harvest
3. Demo Derby   7. Marathon
4. Wonderlure   8. Uncle Johnny