Coxhill, Lol / Out to Launch
Album: Out to Launch   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Coxhill, Lol   Added:Mar 2003

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2003-05-26 Pull Date: 2003-07-28 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Jul 13 Jun 29
Airplays: 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 11, 2003: Memory Select
Relaunch One [excerpt]
2. Jun 27, 2003: Memory Select
Music for Feathery Fronds

Album Review
Craig Matsumoto
Reviewed 2003-05-29
Solo improvisations on soprano saxophone, plus one track of a large ensemble. Coxhill does abstract improv, similar to Evan Parker but has more feeling, and doesn't rely as much on technical showiness. His playing has a friendly air overall.

1*- Starts sparse, in long declarative notes. into a casual wandering monologue. First 7 mins are quite good and cheerily musical, before hitting a quiet phase of long squeaks and whines.
There's one quiet phase of long squeak/whines about 7 minutes in, but overall Coxhill stays affable and conversational with his solo.

2- Group improv that starts loud and brash and slow-moving, but manages some quick, darting passages. Prominent brass and some sci-fi electronics.

3*- Small curled noises. Still has the affability of #1 but in a more deliberately abstract vein. There's a long near-silence at the halfway mark.

4- Goes for a jumbled, noisier sound. First couple minutes don't jel for me, but hits a more musical stride later.

Track Listing
1. Music for Feathery Fronds   3. Relaunch One
2. The Unlaunched Orchestra   4. Relaunch Two