Giant Value / On the Move
Album: On the Move   Collection:General
Artist:Giant Value   Added:Apr 2003
Label:Super Low Fidelity  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2003-05-05 Pull Date: 2003-07-07
Week Ending: Jun 29 Jun 22 Jun 8 Jun 1 May 25 May 18 May 11
Airplays: 1 1 1 2 1 5 2

Recent Airplay
1. Sep 08, 2004: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
The Bicycle Song
4. May 12, 2004: Stirling's Approximation
Fishie Bbq
2. Jul 07, 2004: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
Favorite Part
5. Apr 15, 2004: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
Favorite Part
3. May 13, 2004: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
Favorite Part
6. Mar 18, 2004: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
No News

Album Review
Katie P.
Reviewed 2003-04-24
Giant Value "On The Move avec Giant Value" - A lo-fi indie rock/pop trio from San Francisco. This is their first full-length album. It's pretty cool. Very mellow songs that make you just want to kick back and listen to it with your eyes closed. All these songs are really nice. Nothing outstanding, but definitely nice. The recording is pretty lo-fi (but not too lo-fi). If you're in the mood for some mellow indie pop try it out.
My Picks: 2, 9, 11
Katie P. 4/24/03

1) Starts really quiet and comes in with guitars and sweet female vocals do-dos. Dragging midtempo. Nice keyboard. Laid back.
2) Kind of slow bounce. Nice harmonies between female vocals. And cute handclaps. Also really mellow and laid back.
3) An uptempo tune that is still quiet and mellow. Slows up at times, mainly in the chorus.
4) Starts with some nice guitar strumming. Light midtempo that builds for the chorus.
5) Waltz tempo with accordion and everything. Drags at times. Nice fiddle solo.
6) Live track with a cool bass line/guitar line. Vocals are kind of quiet and sound really far away. Fcc: says "fuck."
7) Quick thing where they say thanks for listening to side A, now hear side B.
8) Dragging midtempo. Accordion and guitar that almost sounds like a banjo. Laid back and mellow.
9) Guitar and keyboards. Pretty groovy. Solid midtempo.
10) Starts with bells and then keyboard is added with the drums. Falls into another groovy midtempo. Weird lyrics.
11) Bicycle bells. Funny little bosa nova song. This is pretty cool. Very mellow and cool.
12) Guitar strumming. Quiet midtempo. Accordion and maracas (or some other kind of shaker noise).

Track Listing
1. A Good Thing   7. Part Deux Deux
2. Favorite Part   8. No News
3. Imposter Complex   9. Fishie Bbq
4. For the Ride   10. The Bicycle Song
5. See Fit   11. Time to Ebb
6. Writing   .