Norihide, Ogurusu / Modern
Album: Modern   Collection:General
Artist:Norihide, Ogurusu   Added:Apr 2003
Label:Carpark Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2003-06-23 Pull Date: 2003-08-25 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Aug 17 Aug 3 Jun 29
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 14, 2003: Civil Society
<No Name>
3. Jun 26, 2003: Audio.Pulmonary.Recitation.
<No Name>
2. Jul 30, 2003: press and release
<No Name>

Album Review
Reviewed 2003-06-12
It does have the austere look of Ryuichi Sakamoto album doesn't it? It has the austere sound down too. But it's comparatively varied because there are guitars mixed in with the piano. On the other hand, the tone of the album is pretty constant - slow, quiet, contemplative. Nothing to disturb your meditation here.

1. Simple piano figure repeated over a rudimentary foot-tap rhythm
2. Pastoral acoustic guitar
3. Indie-folk strumming
4. Metallic owl's shimmery hooting
5. Reverbed piano solo; lots of breathing space
6. Lots of time to contemplate the beauty with a NPM (notes per minute) count hovering around 10 - waaay sparse composition with lots of silence; sounds themselves are some piano, some guitar, shakuhachi (or flute)
7. Lovely acoustic guitar composition
8. Short, repetitious, but ever so politely electric

Track Listing
1. <No Name>   5. <No Name>
2. <No Name>   6. <No Name>
3. <No Name>   7. <No Name>
4. <No Name>   8. <No Name>