Baton Rouge, Les / Chole Yurtz
Album: Chole Yurtz   Collection:General
Artist:Baton Rouge, Les   Added:May 2003
Label:Elevator Music  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2003-06-16 Pull Date: 2003-08-18 Charts: Loud
Week Ending: Aug 10 Jul 13 Jun 22
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 19, 2014: Femme Fatale
Chole Yurtz, Parish Priest
4. Jul 10, 2003: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
2. Aug 20, 2003: Fine Tuning Utopia
Parish Priest
5. Jun 19, 2003: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
Chole Yurtz
3. Aug 07, 2003: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
6. Jun 05, 2003: Mr. Sparkle Challenge

Album Review
Katie P.
Reviewed 2003-06-04
Les Batons Rouge "Chloe Yurtz" - Four punk kids from Portugal living in Germany playing a punk album (except the last song). Nice pounding drums and totally distorted guitar and deep bass. Two female vocalists tend to either talk or yell the vocals. It's pretty rough and raw and quite fun. You can definitely hear some of the riot grrrl influences. The last song is quite different from the rest of the album (soft, quiet, and very far away and dreamy). Nothing amazing on here, but it definitely has some songs that will get your punk juices flowing.
My Picks: 1, 2, 6
Katie P. 6/4/03

1) Uptempo with a pounding plodding beat. Sort of spoken vocals that scream at the chorus. Guitars are plenty distorted. Rough and raw punk.
2) Tough guitar starts it off very upbeat. Cool riff and cool bass line. Totally fun.
3) Starts with crowd talking. Guitar comes in with a fast midtempo song. Gets a little faster when the vocals come in. Yelled vocals. Vocals and lyrics get kinda weird with about a minute left. Generally pretty tough sounding.
4) Uptempo with a guitar line that almost has a spy theme feel. Of course the vocals are still yelled so it's still pretty rough. Has moments of quieter parts and slower parts.
5) Fades in with drums. Guitar is added along with male spoken vocals. Everything is somewhat distorted and the lyrics are totally weird making the song somewhat unsettling.
6) Fades in with deep bass and far away vocals. Actually, all the instruments sound like they're kind of far away. Lots of reverb on the vocals too. This one is much slower and quiet. Nice.

Track Listing
1. Chole Yurtz   4. To Dead Ahead
2. Somersault   5. My Body-The Pistol
3. Velvet Barbed Wire   6. Parish Priest