Various Artists / Experimental Musical I
Album: Experimental Musical I   Collection:General
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Jun 2003
Label:Experimental Musical Inst  

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 27, 2016: The Offbeat Generation
Surge and Shape

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Hall, Barry Globularity
2. Harman, Wayland String Walk
3. Rammel, Hal Surge and Shape
4. Lee, Christopher Liebeslied
5. Alexjander, Susan Sequencia Intro
6. Remus, Jacques Marche Turque
7. Cooke, Richard Return to Misty Mountain
8. Okeanos, Zeno Zeno's Drums
9. Cox, Marty I'll Take You Home Again Kat
10. Takedake Spring Breeze
11. Gzowski, John Variation #5
12. One Ring Zero Dead Animals
13. Jenerik, Scot Modulus of Horizontal Shear
14. Lowengard, Henry Software-O-Phones
15. Bakshish Curious
16. Pollak, Linsey Ousak Sunset
17. Ex-Pensives Angst? (Me Too)