Experimental Dental School / Hideous Dance Attack!!!
Album: Hideous Dance Attack!!!   Collection:General
Artist:Experimental Dental School   Added:Sep 2003

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2003-11-24 Pull Date: 2004-01-26
Week Ending: Jan 25 Dec 21 Nov 30
Airplays: 5 2 3

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 30, 2004: press and release
The Deer Love Heavy Metal, Some 4
4. Jan 21, 2004: press and release
She's My Ike
2. Jan 24, 2004: On The Warpath
Knife Thrower's Intern
5. Jan 21, 2004: Stirling's Approximation
Kkkfc Serves Sparkily Squirl
3. Jan 23, 2004: Distraction-Limited
Kkkfc Serves Sparkily Squirl
6. Jan 18, 2004: Oh Messy Life
She's My Ike

Album Review
Katie P.
Reviewed 2003-11-12
Experimental Dental School "Hideous Dance Attack!!!" - This is really odd. Imagine an insane carnival band got together to make noisy surf rock (or perhaps a noisy surf rock band decided to play creepy carnival music). That's kind of the best way to describe it. You'll hear lots of organ, especially the kind that sounds like a carnival organ (or perhaps a merry-go-round). Then throw in some general noise, jerky rhythms and waltzes, and the occasional surf guitar. Vocals are mostly male yelled/spoken and distorted. If you are looking for some weirdness that isn't too full of noise and generally has a solid beat you might want to check this out.
My Picks: 2
Katie P. 11/12/03

1) Uptempo with horse noises. Kooky almost out of tune organ with a nice guitar rhythm in the background. Vocals are yelled/spoken and put through some sort of distortion. Slows near the end.
2) Fast midtempo with a plodding low guitar line. Discordant organs. Slows a little and feels a little dreamy. Vocals still sound slightly distorted or muted.
3) Uptempo with jerky abrupt rhythm. Again with the discordant organ and guitar.
4) Slower jerky waltz/oom-pa-pa tune. Plenty of weird organ with a slightly creepy feel to it at times with wind blowing and other odd noises.
5) Clean dreamy guitar. Hits in with a nice uptempo bounce. Has a bit of a surfy/carnival feeling.
6) Starts with quiet guitar and organ noodling. Faster midtempo with a pounding beat. Slows at times.
7) Fades in with low organ. More organ comes in with a very slow waltz. Smokey distorted female vocals are right up front.
8) A faster midtempo waltz with guitar line on top. Quiets down a bit and then there are these almost electronic moaning noises for a little while (perhaps guitar weirdness). Instrumental.
9) Guitar line starts it and then in comes the creepy theramin-esque organ and the other organ making this sound a bit like a tango.
10) Very quiet organ/harpsichord starts it off. This feels a little like carnival music. Dragging midtempo.
11) Wailing distorted guitar starts it off. Solid midtempo song. Then pops in with an uptempo organ rendition of, wait what is this song, I feel like it's some traditional Jewish song. How odd. Slows at points and gets noisy as well.

Track Listing
1. Taco Chakra   6. Mayonaize Volcano, Ketchup C
2. Kkkfc Serves Sparkily Squirl   7. Some 4
3. The Deer Love Heavy Metal   8. Meyowch
4. She's My Ike   9. Knife Thrower's Intern
5. Hideous Dance Attack   10. Casino El Rio
  11. Tractor Loves to Shuck Some