Banner, the / Your Murder Mixtape
Album: Your Murder Mixtape   Collection:General
Artist:Banner, the   Added:Feb 2004

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-05-31 Pull Date: 2004-08-02 Charts: Loud
Week Ending: Aug 1 Jul 18 Jul 4
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 29, 2004: Les Chevaux De Frise
Skies Go Black
3. Jul 03, 2004: The Sheltering Bloodstained Sky Floating Above Fjellutestek
2. Jul 15, 2004: Les Chevaux De Frise
Sometimes They Come Back

Album Review
Ragnar of Ravensfjord
Reviewed 2004-07-18
This one is hard to pin down. It’s a heavy hardcore punk but with that very typical “hordcowa” style. I intilally thought of this as more horrible metal-core for the masses but after a few spins it’s actually OK.

Conceptually, this is pretty cool - it’s all about horror with samples from NIght of The Living Dead, Aliens and Zombie. Musically, it’s bits & pieces of: Subzero, Unearth, Ensign, old Cave-In, Converge, Integrity, and even some real hardcore bits here & there. All too often the vocals are in the “intense dude trying to hard to be intense” vein. Yet overall but it’s got some worthwhile moments.
((1)) A 40+ second “Night of the Living Dead” sample then chug-chuga riffing into mid-tempo “arrrghahgrgh” vocals & sound. Sounds like a decent Integrity tune. Mostly incomprehensible vocals until the youth crew/gang chorus part.
((2)) A tad more hardcore sounding but those vocals are only so good for so long (like a 30 seconds) and the typical to the Nth degree & shitty metal-core breakdowns (‘ala Converge, Unearth, Diecast).
(((3))) Sample from “Aliens” then pretty good hardcore with the usual East Coast/youth crew styled chorus.
(((4))) All vocal-intro then more pained hardcore sounding with Sounds a like a mix of Ensign and a less metal Unearth. Cool outro with a shitload of vocals - solo lines mixed with youth crew choruses. Varisty font printed lyrics as for emphasis
(((5))) Sounds a tad like Jesus Lizard then goes into a full-on East Coast rabid hardcore like a better version of SubZero.
(((6))) Sounds like a twisted version of Lifetime mixed with Refused on fucking crank. Weird but it works...kind of.
(7) Pretty sloppy playing & vocals. Zzzz...
((8)) Sounds like all of the heavy parts of Grade mixed with Unearth and The Hope Conspiracy? All of this doesn’t mix well.
(9) This just sounds like their running through the motions like the last song.
((10)) Mellow intro then screamy, heavy, hc/metal-core. Something like Grade mixed with Unearth. Not much of an improvement.
(((11))) One of the songs played really slow, backwards and dub-like. Sounds better than most of their “normal” songs! Kind of scary. Then at 3:25 it turns into a regular song (the label’s info says it’s a cover of Ink & Dagger) which isn’t all that interesting aside from the opening riff & drum part - he sounds like he’s singing about black dust? black hearse? black gloves? I give up!

Track Listing
1. Zombie Onslaught   6. I Found Your Diary
2. Skies Go Black   7. Black Duct Tape
3. Sometimes They Come Back   8. Red Devil
4. Die Fighting   9. Night of the Rope
5. Apocolypse   10. September Song