Fakermark / Fakermark
Album: Fakermark   Collection:General
Artist:Fakermark   Added:Apr 2004

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-05-10 Pull Date: 2004-07-12 Charts: Loud
Week Ending: Jun 20 May 23
Airplays: 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 17, 2004: Multiple Personality Disorder
2. May 16, 2004: rust belt
Slide Out

Album Review
Katie P.
Reviewed 2004-04-13
Fakermark "Fakermark" - This is some nice hardcore/punk music from some kids in Ventura, CA. Pounding drums, screaming and yelled vocals. Guitar layers are all over the place with some heavy bass. They tend to keep it simple, but the guitar frenzy can be really nice. Definitely recommended. Play it loud!!
My Picks: 3, 5
Katie P. 4/7/04

1) Starts with nice loud guitar. Screaming vocals. Goes between uptempo and midtempo. Full guitar onslaught.
2) Uptempo with screaming vocals and a fun guitar line. Nice guitar layering.
3) Pounding and full of guitars. Yelled vocals. Cool break down section that builds to the end.
4) Screaming and loud!! Pounding drums and guitars. Falls out into a quieter almost indie rockish part. Nice.
5) Loud, screaming, and pounding. Heavy harsh guitars. Oooo, nice section in the middle where it really starts pounding. This one is fun.

Track Listing
1. Experimentations Gone Awry   4. Signal
2. Epistaxis   5. Secondary Variant
3. Slide Out   .