Decomposure / Taking Things Apart
Album: Taking Things Apart   Collection:General
Artist:Decomposure   Added:Jun 2004

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-08-02 Pull Date: 2004-10-03 Charts: Electronic, Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Oct 3 Sep 26 Sep 5 Aug 29 Aug 22 Aug 15 Aug 8
Airplays: 2 1 3 2 3 4 2

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 19, 2006: the evil twins
4. Feb 13, 2005: subbing for cikee
2. Aug 24, 2005: charlotte's miscellany
5. Oct 02, 2004: music that doesn't hurt dogs and ponies
3. Jul 08, 2005: The Dog and Pony Show
6. Sep 27, 2004: Trip Over Zero

Album Review
Reviewed 2004-07-16
Decomposure [KEYED WRONG] – Taking Things Apart
Decomposure takes basic sounds, breaks them down to pieces, and arranges them back into beats/percussion pieces. Look at the track titles: every track is “composed” from the basic sound that is represented by the title (e.g., “matches”). The result, sometime jungly, sometimes more straight-up beat, sometime no beat at all. Interesting stuff. Track listing below with short explanation (liner notes expand a bit) and description.

1. Scrabble[KEYED WRONG] – made of the sounds of a game of scrabble. Accelerates and stretches the sounds; percussion-like changing beat.
2. * Mathces – a box of matches. Jungly beat.*
3. Toy DJ playset – looped to noise and broken beats.
4. * Drawing – sampled off 30 minutes of “recording of the artist drawing” including a track that passed nearby. Slow, almost non existent beat, developed into glassy-sounding faster beat.*
5. Speech – W’s Sep 2001 State of the Union address. Actual (and long) pieces of the speech, light percussion, mid/slow tempo beat.
6. Sound card noise – white noise created by his own sound card while recording. Starts with almost no beat, then some jungle emerges.
7. Vancouver’s skytrain. No beat, cool sounds. Accelerates into some fast beat.
8. Notepad guitar – acoustic guitar recording -> mp3 file -> edited on notepad editor -> sampler. Shorter, no beat.
9. * Piano and toy electronic drumsticks. Pleasant piano tune, mid tempo beats, surprisingly communicative, nice. *
10. Headphones – plugging headphones into microphone jack and playing with it… quite an effort. Anyway, quiet start, and again a beat developes.
11. Cassette player. Fast beat.
12.*[Shorter than listing due to hidden track] Interview/60Hz – interview with indie film maker about sound in his movies, and a 60hz synthesized sine wave. Mid tempo steady beat. Track finished at –6:23.*
13. * Hidden track. Starts at –3:17. Jungly percussion beat, children singing.*

Track Listing
1. Scabble   7. Skytrain
2. Matches   8. Notepad Guitar
3. Toy Dj Playlist   9. Piano/Toy Electronic Drum
4. Drawing   10. Headphones
5. Speech   11. Cassette Player
6. Sound Card Noise   12. Interview/ 60HZ