Charalambides / Joy Shapes
Album: Joy Shapes   Collection:General
Artist:Charalambides   Added:Jun 2004

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-07-12 Pull Date: 2004-09-12 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Sep 12 Aug 15 Jul 25 Jul 18
Airplays: 2 3 2 4

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 14, 2009: Lost and Found
Here not Here
4. Sep 07, 2004: Lick My Moody Guitar SHow
Here not Here
2. Oct 13, 2006: Memory Select
Voice for You
5. Aug 11, 2004: Brownian Motion
3. Sep 10, 2004: Bloodstains Across Atherton (the edit)
Here not Here
6. Aug 11, 2004: Civil Society
Natural Night

Album Review
Reviewed 2004-06-30
Experimental trio from Houston takes
your head to some new places. Excellent voice, only showcased on #1. Some anxious moments on other tracks. Psychedelia too.

**1) spacey drones & minimal ambience, singer
gets upset as cacaphony threatens, angels prevail! calm reigns
2) picked figure is overlaid with harmonics
3) dense cross rhythms, simple lyrics, wind down
*4) chimes, anxiety, shaman visits other world
(bardo?), battles evil ones
5) strumming, song w/ crescendo, muted guitar squals, gets loud with frippertronics


Track Listing
1. Here not Here   4. Natural Night
2. Stroke   5. Voice for You
3. Joy Shapes   .