Capharnaum / Fractured
Album: Fractured   Collection:General
Artist:Capharnaum   Added:Aug 2004

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-12-05 Pull Date: 2005-02-06 Charts: Loud
Week Ending: Feb 6 Jan 30 Jan 23 Dec 26 Dec 19
Airplays: 1 2 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Feb 03, 2005: Baptism of Solitude
The Scourge Trial
4. Jan 19, 2005: The Sun Never Sets on Cool
2. Jan 27, 2005: Baptism of Solitude (Best of 2004 metal/hardcore/punk)
Reins of Humanity
5. Dec 21, 2004: Baptism of Solitude
The Scourge Trial
3. Jan 26, 2005: The Sun Never Sets On Cool
Perpetuate Catatonia
6. Dec 17, 2004: Baptism of Solitude
The Scourge Trial

Album Review
Reviewed 2004-12-06
Techie Death metal with touches of grindcore. This is extremely heavy and the songs are complex, often going through many changes. The vocals are screamed, slightly hardcore style vocals, and you can understand them a lot of the time. The songs do not shy away from melody and don’t fall into the trap of playing technical/complex stuff and forgetting the song. This band is a side project/formed by members of Trivium, Monstrosity, and Martyr. Did I mention that this was heavy? The drummer is one of the fastest I’ve ever heard.
**1. Quiet intro that fades in and then you are absolutely pummeled into the ground with machine gun sound drums. The riffs and solos all many and varied.
2. The beginning set of runs and riffs are just to prepare you for an onslaught of riffs and drumming. This track is more discordant. A mellow breakdown with spoken vocals. Reminds me a little bit of Meshuggah
3. Shorter and heavy right from the start. This one shows some influences from old technical death metal like Death and Cynic. Interesting that the breakdown actually has more melodic guitar. Track ends with some nice simple headbanging riff with the other guitarist doing quick runs over the top.
4. The jam a lot of ideas in this 2 minute track. The vocalist is trying to sing lower and more traditionally death metal on this track and it’s not fully working out.
5. When are bands going to learn that pinch-harmonics aren’t that cool sounding? Lots of pinch harmonics on the guitar to begin, which show up later in the track as well.
**6. Nice, thrash-y riff, not unlike that from Carcass’s Heartwork.
**7. Heavy super fast rhythm guitar playing to start. Some fun start/stop later to be followed by some super complex guitar/drum interaction. Damn.
8. This track has the most melodic riffs on the disc but they don’t sacrifice complexity. It’s almost catchy. The track ends about halfway through the 6 minutes and then returns with some guitar noodling.
Damn. -mph

Track Listing
1. Ingrained   5. Icon of Malice
2. Fractured   6. Reins of Humanity
3. Perpetuate Catatonia   7. The Scourge Trial
4. Machines   8. Refusal