Only Crime / To the Nines
Album: To the Nines   Collection:General
Artist:Only Crime   Added:Aug 2004
Label:Fat Wreck Chords  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-11-15 Pull Date: 2005-01-17 Charts: Loud
Week Ending: Nov 21
Airplays: 1

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 11, 2006: knifefishhappyhour
3. May 11, 2006: knifefishhappyhour
2. Aug 11, 2006: Knifefishhappyhour
Doomsday Breach
4. Nov 17, 2004: Brownian Motion

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2004-11-04
Bill Stevenson, the “bomb-going-off-drummer” for later Black Flag, Descendents drums for this punk, pop-punk band. They sound really good on tracks where they lose the trite pop-punk vocal harmonies and melodies that typify the pop-punk genre. Unfortunately Stevenson is low in the mix or is getting old as he doesn’t shine like he once did. Still though, this is some pretty good punk/roll and the closest thing you’ll find to pop punk on the afile. So dig it.

1) upbeat hard driving rock
2) bordering on pop-punk, melodic element mid paced rock
3) upbeat hard driving, epic feel
4) minor toned pop punk with typical vocal harmonies, yuck
5) harder feel, more punk than pop gets runined by vocal harmonies
6) upbeat pop punk
7) FCC
8) dissonant approach, heavier, good stuff, really good
9) pop punk harmonies and melodies sicken this
10 ) FCC
11) upbeat pop punk

Track Listing
1. R.J.R   7. Tenebrae
2. Sedated   8. Virus
3. Doomsday Breach   9. The Well
4. Pray for Me   10. On Time
5. To the Nines   11. Fallen Idols
6. Real Enemy   .