Am-Boy / Clayton's Hideout
Album: Clayton's Hideout   Collection:General
Artist:Am-Boy   Added:Aug 2004

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-02-13 Pull Date: 2005-04-17 Charts: Electronic, Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Apr 17 Apr 10 Mar 20 Mar 13 Mar 6 Feb 27 Feb 20
Airplays: 1 1 1 2 2 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 10, 2005: Subcutaneous Phycomycosis
Glass Wails
4. Mar 11, 2005: Trip Over Zero
Glass Wails
2. Apr 08, 2005: Bump & Hustle Music
Clayton's Hideout
5. Mar 06, 2005: Dancing in Outerspace
Glass Wails
3. Mar 14, 2005: Stirling's Approximation
Glass Wails
6. Mar 04, 2005: Trip Over Zero
Glass Wails

Album Review
Red West
Reviewed 2005-01-31
decent beats, enough going on. Many tracks start without beats, they fade in.

+1.midtempo beats with hi-hat, a little melodic, gets quiet in middle (beats go into hiding) then sway heavy 8bit
2.old synth, an odd chord change, a gasping sample. Autumnul
3.slow arpeggiated organ high tones, laid back. Wintery like ice skating
+4.fat synth. Slow carnival
5.wind, two notes repeat, no beat
+6.happy, but it bends around weirdly
8.3/4 time, quiet, few beats, just major key notes
9.long fade in, quiet abstract fem song samples
10. no beats. Fast start, sloooow middle, some rhythm at end

Track Listing
1. Clayton's Hideout   6. I Am Boy
2. Ready to Go Home   7. Love in the Afternoon
3. Glass Wails   8. Things Cleared Up Today
4. Hi Fives   9. Space Elevator
5. Keep Flat Down None Pier   10. Spalice