Father Octopus / Sub-Manifold
Album: Sub-Manifold   Collection:General
Artist:Father Octopus   Added:Oct 2004

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-11-01 Pull Date: 2005-01-03
Week Ending: Dec 5 Nov 21 Nov 14 Nov 7
Airplays: 1 3 1 3

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 21, 2005: Bump & Hustle Music
Fangs I Never Had
4. Nov 17, 2004: the Dog and Pony Show
The Blue Storm
2. Dec 02, 2004: The Digital/Analog War
Full Album
5. Nov 16, 2004: All This - And Mor!
Bad Halo
3. Nov 18, 2004: The Digital/Analog War
6. Nov 11, 2004: The Digital/Analog War

Album Review
Reviewed 2004-10-28
Father Octopus – Sub-Manifold
Hard to categorize musical debut from one of our very own DJs. Think early Zombi, Spirit Caravan, Tool, NIN, but not very metallic overall, this combines lush, layered sounds with driving and sometimes dissonant sounds and really cool effects, plus a variety of instruments being used. The vocals are a lot like the aforementioned bands, processed through several FX. Really neat songs, well-developed constructions, just overall really cool. Recommended for everyone. Excellent CD.
1) Slow build with clean guitar and mellow vocals, into odd-time drums and distortion with processed vocals and soaring choruses.
2) Seemingly down-tuned guitars with thick groove drums and very Tool-like vocals, ends with sparse drums and quiet bass.
3) Instrumental. Piano intro, with cello, drums, synths being slowly added, reaches a climax, and then fades out again.
4) Another instrumental that starts out with piano, then adds drums, synths, guitars, etc, to give the feeling of an eerie, haunted mansion.
5) Slow, drawn out guitar and drums over pained vocals, guitar solo.
6) Another eerie soundscape that starts out mellow with some FX, and builds up with bells, chimes, synths, drums, all these things fading in and out, creating a really cool effect.

Track Listing
1. Atonia   4. Rusty Wires
2. Genuflect   5. Bad Halo
3. The Blue Storm   6. Fangs I Never Had