That 1 Guy / Songs in the Key of Beotch
Album: Songs in the Key of Beotch   Collection:General
Artist:That 1 Guy   Added:Oct 2004
Label:Righteous Babe Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-01-16 Pull Date: 2005-03-20
Week Ending: Mar 13 Mar 6 Feb 27 Feb 20 Feb 13 Feb 6 Jan 30 Jan 23
Airplays: 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 2

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 09, 2005: Afropean Gamutt
Weasel Potpie
4. Feb 22, 2005: Paean
Weasel Potpie
2. Mar 07, 2005: Stirling's Approximation
track 11
5. Feb 16, 2005: Afropean Gamut
Weasel Potpie
3. Mar 02, 2005: Afropean Gamut
Steamin' Hunks, Birds
6. Feb 09, 2005: popcorn's Birthday
Weasel Potpie

Album Review
Red West
Reviewed 2004-11-23
baritone male vox over bassy synth beats, coming from a rock angle into dance/rap. On the slower side, he’s going for heavy. All tracks cool.

1.sorta rapping, rhythmic recitation, toe-tapping rhythm, dancey
2.singing gets to growling
3.Snoring/whistling intro, bouncy, vox to much yelling though
4.less dancey, I like the wah-bass
5.not at all dancey, no vox, melodic, tense, nice fem-voice-like-samples
6.slow, enjoyable. be afraid of birds. sounds like Think Tree.
7.more rappy vocals
8.more rock, heavy
9.FCC ‘shit”. Funky mid-slow
10.part with beats then part with whirly sounds, more aggressive
12. vocal sample , random noises
13.very nice mix of drones

Track Listing
1. One   6. Sparkle in the Sun
2. Weasel Potpie   7. Axlrod
3. Halfassed   8. Ball O' Bonafide Fax
4. Mudpies   9. It's Raining Meat
5. Birds   10. Steamin' Hunks