Ecfa Trio / Die Faden
Album: Die Faden   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Ecfa Trio   Added:Nov 2004
Label:Pecan Crazy  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-12-19 Pull Date: 2005-02-18 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Feb 13 Jan 30 Jan 2 Dec 26
Airplays: 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Feb 11, 2005: Memory Select
3 Eggs
3. Dec 27, 2004: Multiple Personality Disorder
Faruq's Tone Row
2. Jan 28, 2005: Memory Select
Faruq's Tone Row
4. Dec 24, 2004: Memory Select, late night version
3 Eggs

Album Review
Craig Matsumoto
Reviewed 2004-12-18
Sax, violin, and drums in a setting crossing between composed free jazz and avant-garde chamber music. More structure than British free improv or the noisy-blowout camp, but still a very open environment with lots of space for group noodling.

Definitely has a "homemade" feel, with its middling sound quality, but there's some very interesting music in here. Plus, anybody that calls out Faruq Z. Bey (the namesake of Track #1) is worth a listen... but be forewarned, this stuff is a bit more cerebral, less soulful that Faruq's work.

(If I may digress... Faruq plays powerful, spiritual free jazz in a glorious post-Coltrane mode. Worth checking out if you've never heard him.) (Digressing further: Track 3 dedicated to Charles Waters of Gold Sparkle Band, another outfit worth hearing.)

By the way... E.C.F.A. = Emanation Creation Formation Action. Carl Smith (sax), Jason Friedrich (drums), James Alexander (viola). The band hails from somewhere near Austin, Texas, and -- if I may name drop again -- they're buddies with Tina Marsh and the Creative Opportunity Orchestra, a little known outfit well worth seeking out (especially if you're more into "regular" jazz -- the Co2 band gets plenty weird but they've also got fantastic in-the-pocket chops on many tracks.)

Web site:

1- Mid/fast, loping theme. Aggressive group improv.
2- Slow, chamber-like, with some aggressive drumming
3- Spritely chamber feel, upbeat strolling.
4- Similar to #2, maybe a bit more on the free-jazz side
5- An abstract tangle, fairly energetic. A slow feel but gets intense.
6- Upbeat, lightly dancing, with a flute added for a soft feel.

Track Listing
1. Faruq's Tone Row   4. Variations in a
2. Variations in C   5. Big Mess
3. Waters Variations   6. 3 Eggs