Rowe, Keith/Christian Fennesz / Live at Lu
Album: Live at Lu   Collection:General
Artist:Rowe, Keith/Christian Fennesz   Added:Jan 2005

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-01-09 Pull Date: 2005-03-13 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Mar 6 Feb 27 Feb 20 Feb 13 Feb 6
Airplays: 1 2 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 04, 2005: Memory Select
(untitled Track 2)
4. Feb 17, 2005: Baptism of Solitude
2. Feb 23, 2005: Brownian Motion
5. Feb 09, 2005: Brownian Motion
3. Feb 21, 2005: Stirling's Approximation
6. Feb 01, 2005: The Devil's Collective

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2005-01-10
Creepy old-school noise, industrial tone in use of clangs and bursts of machine like cacophony, but overall minimal hypnoitic and chill. One long live performance split into 4 chunks.

1) starts minimal, ~3 min in lower freq pulses appear ans slowly build, feeling complete, sci fi, after ~8 min, @11min some beautiful noise appears, albeit briefly, blends into next
2) minimal start but builds slowly into more of an old school industrial noise tone
3) chill w/ noise bursts, spooky
4) definitely chill and spooky, low rumbles w/ high pitched sine, builds interesting after ~11 min

Track Listing
1. /   3. /
2. /   4. /