20 Minute Loop / Yawn + House = Explosion
Album: Yawn + House = Explosion   Collection:General
Artist:20 Minute Loop   Added:Mar 2005
Label:Fortune Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-03-21 Pull Date: 2005-05-23
Week Ending: May 15 Apr 24 Apr 17 Apr 10 Apr 3 Mar 27
Airplays: 1 4 2 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 22, 2016: Everthing A to Z week 55 edted for rq 5-24-21
Cora May, Parking Lot
4. Apr 21, 2005: Megatron Marathon
Miriam Hopkins
2. May 11, 2005: Strange Attractor
Miriam Hopkins
5. Apr 20, 2005: Strange Attractor
Cora May
3. Apr 21, 2005: Happy Hour
I'll Never Forget You
6. Apr 18, 2005: Civil Approximation
5 Am to 9 Am

Album Review
Red West
Reviewed 2005-03-16
Arty folk-pop from the east bay (Berkeley?) nice melodic guitar playing, putting together notes in unusual ways while keeping it accessible- the quirkiness of self-taught popsters. Songs are of dissatisfaction & bitterness. Guitar based. Reminds me of older Very Pleasant Neighbor (but I prefer vpn).

1.folk-pop, mid-slow, nice little ditty gets kinda loud near end
2.m/f vocal duets remind me of Ida, though this is louder than them
+3.fast rocker, more of the M vox, minor key.
+4.slow, sway-inducing. Sounds sad but it’s not mopey.
+5.3/4 time, Paul McCartneyesque, loud/queit/loud
6.slow 3/4time, some harmonica, pretty
+7.midtempo. better to read than face the world.
8.mid-fast, short, creepy lyrics
+9.slow, woman sings some high notes. A metaphorical battle
10.midtempo, midloud
+11.fast, metal! Woah. Emo metal? Fuzzy vocals, guitar wankery.

Track Listing
1. Parking Lot   7. Ambassadors
2. Cora May   8. It's Time to Honor Ghouls
3. Properties of Dirt   9. 5 Am to 9 Am
4. Miriam Hopkins   10. Our William Tell
5. Book of J   11. I'll Never Forget You
6. Carlos the Jackal   .