Giardullo, Joe/Carlos Zingaro / Falling Water
Album: Falling Water   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Giardullo, Joe/Carlos Zingaro   Added:Mar 2005

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-03-21 Pull Date: 2005-05-23 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: May 22 Apr 17 Apr 10
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. May 20, 2005: Memory Select
3. Apr 08, 2005: Memory Select
2. Apr 15, 2005: Memory Select

Album Review
Craig Matsumoto
Reviewed 2005-03-17
Sax and violin recorded in a stone temple for lots of echoes and reverberations. Ambient and cavernous, with an atmosphere that's not quite "dark" but definitely not relaxing.

1- Low, darkly atmospheric. Five minutes of long, slow tones -- like they're trying out the space -- then heats up a bit.
2- Some jazzier riffs
3- Pretty, fluttering sax. Slow and melodic.
4- High-pitched squeaking, fairly fast
5- Harsher. Gutteral clicks and pops, the occasional long screech
6- Dire, insistent violin
7- Fast and choppy squeaks. A flight of birds.

Track Listing
1. Sal   4. No
2. Astrolabio   5. Pedra
3. Fala   6. Per.Plexo
  7. Distancia