Snow Machine / Snow Machine
Album: Snow Machine   Collection:General
Artist:Snow Machine   Added:Apr 2005
Label:Daemon Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-05-01 Pull Date: 2005-07-03
Week Ending: Jun 19 May 22 May 15 May 8
Airplays: 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 13, 2005: Civil Society
Summer Snow
3. May 13, 2005: The Fifth Column: Portland is Mine, and it Owes Me a Living
Summer Snow
2. May 19, 2005: Megatron Marathon
Feature Film
4. May 06, 2005: Distraction-Limited

Album Review
Guest DJ Account
Reviewed 2005-04-24
Quintessential pop album. Good lyrics. Lots of emphasis on piano, some good bass and guitar. Sounds like a mixture of Elliott Smith, Damien Rice and Belle and Sebastian, only in girl form. No FCCs.
Recommended tracks: 4, 7, 8
Track 1: pop, piano, kind of slow, mellow
Track 2: sad tinge, fast-moving, nice bass, abrupt ending
Track 3: starts off with gentle piano, slow, sweet sounding, crooing, very Elliott Smith
Track 4: back to upbeat. Cute; piano solo, Belle & Sebastian "if you're feeling sinister", ends on lyrics.
Track 5: starts out with piano solo, very slow, smooth, sad, drums in about 1/2 way thru. Builds to end
Track 6: starts out with piano and guitar. Sounds a little country, but more cute than country, up beat, electric guitar and harmonic, builds on chorus, fades on last beat.
Track 7: piano and drums. slow on chorus, picks up with piano arpeggios, good piano live, After build, pause. Song picks up again.
Track 8: blues sounding, upbeat, good bass line and layering of harmonies. Switches to 1 beat emphasis and back. good pop song.
Track 9: begins with piano. upbeat, very pop, cute, guitar and bass come in after lyrics. slows to just piano and vocals. Ends on piano and lyrics.
Julia Brown

Track Listing
1. Birmingham   6. Old Tin Roof
2. Camel Lights   7. Feature Film
3. Marlboro Man   8. Traffic Light
4. Summer Snow   9. Wrecking Ball
5. Paper Bird   .