Pink Lincolns / No Lo Siento
Album: No Lo Siento   Collection:General
Artist:Pink Lincolns   Added:Aug 2005
Label:Hazzard Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-09-11 Pull Date: 2005-11-13
Week Ending: Nov 13 Oct 30 Oct 23 Oct 16 Oct 9
Airplays: 1 1 1 3 2

Recent Airplay
1. Dec 27, 2005: Scatterbrain
4. Oct 19, 2005: Brownian Motion
Invisible Man
2. Nov 09, 2005: Eels in the Loo
I Hate My Friends
5. Oct 15, 2005: Bloodstains Across The Warpath
I Hate My Friends
3. Oct 25, 2005: eclectica
So Much Nothing
6. Oct 15, 2005: Biff Bang Pow
Hppy Hour

Album Review
Ragnar of Ravensfjord
Reviewed 2005-09-05
Long-time Florida hardcore/punk with a lot of short tracks. Straight-ahead pop-power punk but melodic enough to be catchy. Nasal & snarling vocals. Like the Dead Milkmen or Screetching Weasel with a early 80’s Southern California fixation. Sometimes it’s lyrically moronic but otherwise worth a few spins.
((((1)))) Sort of Cows/Didjits speedy rock ‘n punk.
(((2)) D.I. –like riffing, super catchy.
(((3))) Uppity, 1-2-3 approach.
(((4))) A paranoid, broken down Germs/Dead Milkmen thingy. Nicely warped.
((((5))) Rolling then fast, pissed vibe.
(((6))) Bouncy, goofy tempo
((((7))))) Electrictifying & nihilistic punk
((8)) Screetching Weasel-ly pop-punk. Not bad but kinda generic (FCC “Fucked up” 0:19-20)
((((9)))) Fast, thudding very 80’s So. Cal H.C.
((10)) Speedy & kinda pointless. AVOID!
((11)) Slow, creepy Alice Cooper/Hawkind (?!) feeling. Works better on paper than on the actual music.
(((12))) Uppity, basic American punk/h.c with more “I hate my girl” lyrics.
((13)) Short acoustic guitar instrumental. Totally out of place here.
(((14))) Musically good but: ugly, blunt, anti-Arab & anti- Muslim lyrics, “savage beast…blood feast…tell me about the Middle East”. STUPID FUCKIN’ LYRICS but there’s always been that in punk/h.c. if you dig far enough. Almost as lunkheaded as M.O.D.
((15)) So-so Buzzcocks cover.

Track Listing
1. Invisible Man   8. Ponytail
2. So Much Nothing   9. Doris the Spider
3. Hppy Hour   10. Wreck Me
4. You   11. Happy Boy
5. Karen #5   12. What Was I Thinking?
6. Too Many Enemies   13. Geisha
7. I Hate My Friends   14. Crescent Red
  15. I Believe