Three Piece Combo / Three Piece Combo
Album: Three Piece Combo   Collection:General
Artist:Three Piece Combo   Added:Aug 2005
Label:Feast or Famine Recording  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-10-02 Pull Date: 2005-12-04
Week Ending: Nov 13 Oct 23 Oct 9
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 26, 2008: Sonic Bubble Sub
4. Nov 08, 2005: Lick *MY* Moody Guitar
Solid Ghost
2. Nov 30, 2007: Memory Select
Walk It Off
5. Oct 22, 2005: Biff Bang Pow
Walk It Off
3. Nov 24, 2007: Bloodstains Across Atherton-Hella Short Version
Arcata Marsh, First the Bad News
6. Oct 05, 2005: Eels in the Loo
Number One

Album Review
Ragnar of Ravensfjord
Reviewed 2007-08-05
Nice instrumental prog (or “math rock” if you prefer) trio from Oakland. Sometimes loud & bombastic like King Crimson othertimes jazzy, fusion/rock kinda stuff going on.

(((((1))))) Awesome, fuzzy guitar-laden early Crimson-worship. Like something from the “Red” LP outtakes or sumethin’
((((2)))) Off-kilter jazz-rock. Some nice stop/starts.
((((3)))) Snaky, sneaky & cyclical.
(((((4)))) Playful to the point of silliness but really a lot of fun mixing prog & jazz fusion.
(((((5)))) Excellent minimal strummy sounds. Listen close and it sounds like someone’s talking.
(((6))) Twangy, sort of Fred Frith-like, repetitive but then guitar gets a little heavy on the wailing.
(((((7)))) Great guitar harmonics with some oddball jazz moments. Lots of stops/starts + bass thuds. A few nods to Sabbath & Rush, too.
((((8)))) Watery then videogame like with theremin effects. Sorta funky, too.
((((9)))) Lots of nicely flowing bass, a mix of scales and solid mix of simple chords & notes.

Track Listing
1. First the Bad News   6. Trail Mix
2. Paperwork   7. Number One
3. Walk It Off   8. (Deeper Into) the Cave
4. Arcata Marsh   9. Enough
5. Solid Ghost   .