Soul Ballet / Dream Beat Dream
Album: Dream Beat Dream   Collection:General
Artist:Soul Ballet   Added:Oct 2005
Label:215 Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-10-30 Pull Date: 2006-01-01 Charts: Electronic
Week Ending: Dec 4 Nov 13 Nov 6
Airplays: 1 1 3

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 27, 2010: Music Casserole
Dreaming Of...
4. Nov 11, 2005: Biff Bang Pow
S. Beach
2. Jan 01, 2007: chapter 58.0: happy new year!
Dreaming Of...
5. Nov 04, 2005: chapter 24.0: before the dalai lama, ironspire falls
Love, Juliet
3. Dec 02, 2005: chapter 28.0: all over the map
Man And Woman
6. Nov 02, 2005: Eels in the Loo
Man And Woman

Album Review
geoff goodfellow
Reviewed 2005-10-26

dreamy smooth jazz retro-soul ambiance from rick kelly.

-->cd1 picks: 2, 6, 7, 9, 10. cd2 picks: 1**, 2**, 3**. NO FCCs.

1. downtempo. piano, strings, guitar, electronic organ.
2* midtempo. horns, piano, guitar, quite male vox.
3. midtempo. house beat. guitar. panning female vox. horns.
4. downtempo. forward trumpet, piano, electric organ, strings.
5. midtempo. house beat, strings, effected vox, baby piano.
6* downtempo. distorted and undistorted female voxing.
7* midtempo. house beat. (1:37)
8. midtempo. a bit funky with female voxing.
9*downtempo. lush vibe with female background voxing+piano.
10*midtempo. dancey house beat. piano. background voxing.

1**downtempo. laid-back chill guitar. electric organ. effects.
2**downtempo. funky guitar, strings, piano, scatting vox.
3**midtempo. funky guitar, panning scatting vox, piano, strings.

Track Listing
1. She Rides   8. Jazzy Girl
2. S. Beach   9. Dreaming Of...
3. Feel This Beat   10. Watching U
4. Cream   11. Man And Woman
5. Her Whisper   12. Exotique
6. My Secret   13. Love, Juliet
7. Her Dream   .