Slow Poisoner, The / Fatal Floral Phonograph
Album: Fatal Floral Phonograph   Collection:General
Artist:Slow Poisoner, The   Added:Nov 2005
Label:Rocktopus Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-12-18 Pull Date: 2006-02-19
Week Ending: Jan 15 Jan 8 Jan 1
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 12, 2006: Hipster Happy Hour (Top 25 Edition)
The Weeds Took Over The Town
3. Dec 30, 2005: Here Comes Sickness (Little Darla Edition)
Holler In The Hollow
2. Jan 01, 2006: Found Bandaids
The Weeds Took Over The Town

Album Review
Reviewed 2005-12-17
Artist: The Slow Poisoner
Album: Fatal Floral Phonograph
Reviewed by: Bea la O'

Fatal Floral Phonograph is a moody collection of rock gone western by The Slow Poisoner, "the one man surrealistic rock and roll band." "With a foot pounding on the bass drum and his fingers plucking a home made guitar…" Andrew Poisoner turns western/country beats into comically dark music that matches his strange lyrics. Fun picks: 1,3

FCC clean.
1. 2:30 *fun pick*
A roaring Western beat opens the first line, "You'll see through my glass eye tonight, and a strand of electric lights." Piano joins guitar and drum in the refrain – slowing down and emphasizing The Poisoner's invitation, "Come to Me…"

2. 2:16
Song opens with country meets sixties surfer beats to create spy music. The song describes a strange memory when "The weeds took over the town." Piano pounds during the refrain and relentless guitar
phrase pushes the song forward.

3.2:27 *fun pick*
Song opens with drumming reminiscent of The White Stripes. Tambourines join in refrain "The Hollers in the Hollow." Playful guitar phrases break The Slow Poisoner's frustrations about miscommunication.

Song tells a story of a little boy lured by "A strange old lady dressed in yellow and green." The folksy tale is backed by an unexpected mix of electric guitar and chorus.

Track Listing
1. Come To Me   3. Holler In The Hollow
2. The Weeds Took Over The Town   4. Fatal Flower Garden