Frequent Flyer / Frequent Flyer
Album: Frequent Flyer   Collection:General
Artist:Frequent Flyer   Added:Apr 2006

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2006-05-21 Pull Date: 2006-07-23
Week Ending: Jul 16 Jul 2 Jun 18 Jun 4 May 28
Airplays: 2 1 2 1 7

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 30, 2010: Music Casserole
Sometimes In The Spring
4. Jul 11, 2006: The Top Shelf (sleater kinney tribute)
Sometimes In The Spring
2. Oct 10, 2006: What's in the Ice Box?
Sometimes In The Spring
5. Jun 30, 2006: Friday Mix
Paris Blue
3. Jul 15, 2006: What's in the Icebox?
Sometimes In The Spring
6. Jun 15, 2006: Mr. Silverback's Wild Ride
Reach For The Sun

Album Review
Katie P.
Reviewed 2006-05-03
Frequent Flyer "Frequent Flyer" – Local guy doing some nice lush cinematic pop. Jarond Gibbs is Frequent Flyer. This has a nice mix of simple guitar strumming and lush electronic keyboards that can also sound spacey and bloopy at times. Vocals are nicely layered and seem to float giving most of the album an airy light feel to it. You can certainly hear similarities to Stereolab, but the use of guitars kind of grounds it a little more and mellows it a bit. Definitely recommended for anyone wanting some laid-back lush pop.
My Picks: 2, 3, 6
Katie P. 5/3/06

1)Fades in with slow lush electronic sounds mixed with harmonica and guitars. Short little instrumental. Echoes.
2)Nice solid midtempo bosa number. Soft lush vocals. Nice mix of guitars and electronic keyboards. Both music and lyrics give you a floating in space feel and at the same time carefree and breezy. Fades out and then has weird static sounds at the end.
3)Lazy midtempo walk. Strumming guitars along with a steady clip-clop beat. Lush vocal layering. Train station (or something like that) announcement at the end.
4)Fades in slowly with guitar strumming, some electronic string sounds, and some other processed sounding keyboard stuff. Short little instrumental.
5)Slow midtempo with simple guitar strumming and vocal layers. About a minute in it picks up pace a bit and adds keyboards then falls back off again. Repeats this.
6)Starts with spacey/bloopy keyboards. Then guitar strumming starts with a nice midtempo. Cute and sweet with both english and french lyrics.
7)Guitar strumming along with keyboards. Nice steady midtempo walk that's a little bouncy. Lush and layered sounding along with layered vocals.
8)Fades in with guitar fingering and vocals are added. Some cute spacey electronics are added. Picks up tempo about half through and then drops off again at the end.
9)Guitar strumming with some keyboards in the background making some processing/drone noises. Electric guitar (or possibly keyboard) with echo effects. More keyboards are added. Vocals are slow and rather sad. Cover of Red House Painters' song. Song seems to end and then there are about 2 minutes of lush spacey keyboards.

Track Listing
1. Ici   6. Sometimes In The Spring
2. Reach For The Sun   7. String Me Along
3. Paris Blue   8. Twirl And Sink
4. Astronomy Factfinder   9. Three Legged Cat
5. Brown Corduroy Blues   .