Hey! Brontosaurus / Hey! Brontosaurus
Album: Hey! Brontosaurus   Collection:General
Artist:Hey! Brontosaurus   Added:May 2006
Label:Fortune Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2010-04-25 Pull Date: 2010-06-27
Week Ending: Jun 6 May 9 May 2
Airplays: 1 2 1

Recent Airplay
1. May 24, 2014: Buford J. Sharkley Presents: As Told to Hervey Okkles
4. May 04, 2010: ScramPop
Build It Down
2. Jan 27, 2012: InAcrossAwayFromMe
Went South For A Spell
5. May 03, 2010: Not Palopop
Fine Line
3. Jun 02, 2010: Beatnik Bourgeoisie
Makers On The Rocks
Talk Of The Town

Album Review
Reviewed 2010-08-26
Hey! Brontosaurus/ Hey! Brontosaurus

Psychedelic, rock, pop band, LOCAL! I prefer the instrumental tracks. Interesting blend of experimental instrumentation, jazz influence, chill-out sections, rock beats, and strong bass. (Secret Track on end)

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1. Sounds like your suburban home in the sun in the 60’s with bright colors, patterns and calm regularity 2. slower, male vocals, relaxed guitar and mellow bass with light drumming, kind of weirdly beatles-esque to me… 3. thumping mid-tempo bassy almost like groovy jazz chill out sound, organ like tropical island meets lounge rock disco 4. more light mid-tempo rock, deep male vocals, pronounced bass, chorus becomes more upbeat, catchy, poppy, chill out sections 5. crazy chill electronic organ noodling meets funky, bow-wowow, groooovy baby. this song is named after a drug that treats anxiety 6. shouting, crowd noises, then turns into pop-song, male vocals, very upbeat, catchy, pop about protesting. 7. mid-tempo standard sounding rock, male vocals, lots of bass, guitar solo 8. sounds like country beat and style male vocals, pop chorus 9. upbeat guitar, light and catchy 10. scratchy, light almost tropical jazzy melody ye olde organ 11. cool scramble of jazzy noodles and down tempo guitar. 12. punchy, upbeat, catchy, pop-rock 13. CAREFUL, half silent, last 25 seconds has a silly little jingle about installing ceramic glass bulbs, jingly and rattling. its great actually haha

Track Listing
1. Supermarket   7. Went South For A Spell
2. Into Your Own   8. Build It Down
3. Fine Line   9. Talk Of The Town
4. 23   10. Ode To Me
5. Alprazolam   11. Makers On The Rocks
6. The People   12. Evan