Heros Severum / Plague Dogs
Album: Plague Dogs   Collection:General
Artist:Heros Severum   Added:May 2006
Label:Two Sheds Music  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2006-09-24 Pull Date: 2006-11-26
Week Ending: Oct 29 Oct 8
Airplays: 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 26, 2006: press and release
Let's Go Swimming, Let's Go Swimming
3. Sep 07, 2006: Afternoon Snack
I Can
2. Oct 01, 2006: Biff Bang Pow
I Can

Album Review
Reviewed 2006-09-21
Friendly no bass Progressive Rock. No catchy hooks but decent guitar-based music. A Trio from Athens Georgia. Male singer slightly reminding Frank Zappa and female singer with a voice that seems more typical of folk music. Many songs are in the form of a call and response. All songs are of similar quality. Exceptional are track 3 (female vox), and track 4 (funny lyrics: “Good work gentlemen; and ladies, good work!”). no FCCs.

*misfiling note: Heros Severum is the name of the band, not the album. Plague dogs - the opposite.

Track Listing
1. Let's Go Swimming   6. A Sick Dog
2. Party Next Door   7. 2khz
3. I Can   8. Tugawar
4. And Introducing...   9. A Nice Haircut
5. Dear Fearless Leader   10. The Great Awk