Lovano, Joe / Streams Of Expression
Album: Streams Of Expression   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Lovano, Joe   Added:Aug 2006
Label:Blue Note  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2006-08-13 Pull Date: 2006-10-15 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Oct 15 Sep 10 Sep 3 Aug 27 Aug 20
Airplays: 1 1 2 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 30, 2015: Rebop
Buckeyes, Blue Sketches
4. Sep 08, 2006: No Cover, No Minimum
2. Sep 05, 2014: Rebop
Cool, Streams
5. Sep 01, 2006: Sunshine ... in the Afternoon
3. Oct 10, 2006: Subcutaneous Phycomycosis
6. Aug 28, 2006: Akinetic Mutism

Album Review
Craig Matsumoto
Reviewed 2006-08-10
Semi-big-band sounds with some modern classical tweaks. There's a '60s-TV retro sound to some of the full-ensemble passages, and traces of modern classical ideas in the writing.

Tracks 3-5 are based on bits of Miles Davis' "Birth of the Cool" and carry a more retro, symphonic sound (Gunther Schuller arrangements). The other tracks are closer to modern straight jazz, with the occasional strange touch in the composing (1,11) .
FCC clean.

1- Ah, strange classically-influenced lines. Moves into straight bebop-combo stuff for the solos.
2- Mid/slow feel, relaxing swing
3- Swaying and graceful, pretty.
4- Slow symphonic intro, then a jumping swingy piece
5- Cooled-down swing, pleasant and straightforward
6- Burly, bluesy tenor sax, midtempo. Mood gets happier.
7- Perky mid/fast. Complicated, staggery intro. A couple of free-madness moments.
8- Relaxed mid/fast, a casual sound. Clarinet lead.
9- Mid/fast straight swing, some fun loose soloing
10- Fast but kept at a low-flying buzz; some cool solos
11- Midtempo dissonant swing, almost like patterns of speech

Track Listing
1. Streams   7. Buckeyes
2. Cool   8. Enchantment
3. Prelude/Moon Dreams   9. Second Nature
4. Interlude No. 1/Move/Interlude No. 2   10. The Fire Prophets
5. Boplicity/Postlude   11. Big Ben
6. Blue Sketches   .