World / World
Album: World   Collection:General
Artist:World   Added:Aug 2006
Label:Marriage Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2006-12-10 Pull Date: 2007-02-11 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jan 28 Jan 14
Airplays: 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 26, 2007: Memory Select
Now Is Forever
3. Dec 12, 2006: Goodnight, Moon
NOW Is Forever
2. Jan 12, 2007: Memory Select
Come Together (Live) [excerpt]

Album Review
Craig Matsumoto
Reviewed 2006-11-25
Gentle, droney instrumental noise jams, kind of a psych attitude but done with sparse atmosphere. Banjo and bells, touches of female vocal, some electronics including ambient drones in the background. Long, late-night tracks (16 to 24 minues, excluding the 4-minute "hidden" track). Nice idea, feels a bit directionless at times. FCC safe.

1- Sparse start cut by short electronic noises, badly recorded (mic overload here and there). Gentle banjo takes over for a long, peaceful, quiet jam, with brief add-ons of flute or percussion. 17 minutes.

2- Gently ringing start with piano, bells, vocal. Electronic buzz takes over, gives way to a lengthy drone with sparse add-ons like aimless drums. Later, a few levels-busting electronics tones, atop what's still a droney landscape. 22 minutes.

3- (Audible crowd banter at start; this is the lone live track.) First 5 minutes: Light banjo dabblings over swelling ambient background. Makes an nice excerpt ..... the remaining 21 minutes include a gentle, spacey zone with some guitar ... with the last several minutes incorporating a roaring sound that turns into helicopter guitar buzz. Ends gently.

4- Suddenly loud, a lo-fi rock jam. Sloppy and glorious, and totally out of character. Just 4 minutes, and not mentioned on the CD cover.

Track Listing
1. Won't You Let Your Hair Down?   3. Come Together (Live)
2. Now Is Forever   4. [Untitled Hidden Track]