Gratkowski/Lehn/Poore / Triskaidekaphonia
Album: Triskaidekaphonia   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Gratkowski/Lehn/Poore   Added:Aug 2006
Label:Leo Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2006-08-20 Pull Date: 2006-10-22 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Oct 15 Oct 1 Sep 3 Aug 27
Airplays: 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 13, 2006: Memory Select
Hot Cross Buns
3. Sep 01, 2006: Memory Select
2. Sep 29, 2006: Memory Select
Renaming A Boat [excerpt]
4. Aug 22, 2006: Radio Of Imagination

Album Review
Craig Matsumoto
Reviewed 2006-08-20
Quiet free-improv ensemble, resembling some of the abstract Euro experiments on the Matchless label. Lots of grumpy, swampy sounds. Good for an eerie, still atmosphere ... but the quiet spots may be TOO quiet for radio -- like the dead space late in track 3.

Instruments include a grumpy tuba, which sometimes undermines the tension, and some clarinet (end of 1) or sax (start of 3). Lots of analog electronics performed by Thomas Lehn.

See also Melvyn Poore's CD in the General library.

1- Starts with hearing-test tones: high, slow, sparse. Moves into a long segment of low warbles and rumbles that quiets into nothingness. Final 5 minutes include some spare acoustic improv that sounds almost clumsy after the sleek silence. (25:01 total)

2- Slow, groany, at a low level but mostly consistent. Electronics get bleepy and even a bit violent toward the end. (10:06)

3- First 5 minutes are good: Low swampy growls of bass clarinet with squeaky sounds, builds into nearly busy acoustic interplay between clarinet and tuba. .... Drops off into near-silence about halfway for gentle metallic clinks and bird-like noises, then into musical improv led by trombone. Last 6 minutes are very quiet. (19:16)

4- Slowly shrill; long, lonely tones. Build energy by shifting to shorter bursty notes, completing about a 6 minute segment of activity. ... Then, after a few minutes with random stabs of clarinet and tuba, SILENCE. Only tiny faint squeaks inhabit the last 4 minutes, and those might have been my imagination. (14:05)

Track Listing
1. Ladders And Stairs   3. Renaming A Boat
2. Umbrellas   4. Hot Cross Buns