To Hell And Back / To Hell And Back
Album: To Hell And Back   Collection:General
Artist:To Hell And Back   Added:Jan 2007
Label:Black Matter  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2007-03-25 Pull Date: 2007-05-27 Charts: Loud
Week Ending: Apr 15 Apr 8 Apr 1
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 12, 2007: The Adventurer's Choice
Concrete Rock City
3. Mar 26, 2007: Headcleaner
Dumb Struck
2. Apr 07, 2007: Disordered Bloodstains
Can't Lie To A Cheater

Album Review
Reviewed 2007-03-21
To Hell and Back

Dirty, loud beer stained pub/garage rock, that you swear came from the staff of some dive bar in south Carolina but was actually recorded in Amherst. More or less rock and roll with a punk edge, with some modern cues from Hot Snakes, but mainly from stalwarts like AC/DC, Sabbath, Thin Lizzy, MC5. Ex- Devoid of Faith. Ten bucks says these guys probably have really big sideburns.

1. Old school sounding rebel-rousing rock.
2. Deep ragged-voice singing about “I’m going to Kick Your Ass / So you can’t kick mine.” Funny in a dumb sort of way. (FCC, duh)
3. Some sing along parts and simple chugga-chugga few-chord-rhythms, with a retro solo part.
4. Some ongoing medium-tempo lead work. This guy sounds like a dog that has spent all night barking and is tired.
5. More straight up rocking. You can’t lie to a cheater
*6. Snarly, in your face hard punk rock. With the best of both the chugga chugga and guitar that really cries out desperately to be labeled “blazing”
7. Short and sweet and theoretically violence though the slow tempo somehow makes it seem longer than the c. 2.25 minutes it is.
8. These songs aren’t very distinct but that doesn’t mean they’re bad. They’re pretty equally not-bad. Granted, they could stand to vary it up a bit.
** 9. Sounds like if Hot Snakes played a song off of AFI’s second album. Has a solo with some attitude.
10. Slower jam, more hoarse singing and some climbing dual guitars.


Track Listing
1. Concrete Rock City   6. Burning Down Firewall
2. I'm Going To Kick Your Ass (So You Can't Kick Mine)   7. Broken Collar Bones
3. Backline Fever   8. 4130
4. These Colors Fade   9. Dumb Struck
5. Can't Lie To A Cheater   10. Buried In Your Soil