Ullmann/Dahlgren/Lande / Die Blaue Nixe
Album: Die Blaue Nixe   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Ullmann/Dahlgren/Lande   Added:Feb 2007
Label:Between the Lines  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2007-03-18 Pull Date: 2007-05-20 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: May 20 Apr 29 Apr 22 Mar 25
Airplays: 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. May 18, 2007: Memory Select
Blaue Nixe (Part 3)
3. Apr 20, 2007: Memory Select
Das Tiefe A [solo sax, Gebhard Ullmann]
2. Apr 27, 2007: Memory Select
Blaue Nixe (Part 3)
4. Mar 23, 2007: Memory Select
Blaue Nixe (Part 2)

Album Review
Craig Matsumoto
Reviewed 2007-03-15
Free jazz in a slower, pensive vein. Trio of sax/clarinet, piano, bass. Often quiet. Sometimes gets melodic and lyrical, maybe not in a strictly traditional sense, but in an accessible and lovely way (3,14). For a bit more adventure, try 2,4,6,7.

Gebhard Ullman (sax/clarinet), Art Lande (piano), Chris Dahlgren (bass)

1- UFO clarinet, slow.
2- Slinky spy jazz, almost, but slower.
3- Delicate piano, slow romantic sax
4- Thumb piano? and squeaky percussion.
5- Pensive piano solo, slow.
6- Creeping mid/fast, a nighttime pulse heavy on the bass
7- Mid/fast. Jazzy free stepping
8- Quiet at first, gets into a nice midtempo
9- Bass solo. Slowish, thoughtful
10- Low key, gets into a nice clarinet-led rhythm
11- Perky chugging, fairly quiet
12- Midtempo, kind of pretty, wintry.
13- Solo sax. Part pensive, part smoky jazz. Relaxed and sparse.
14- Sad, pretty sax over slow bass. Jazzy in a moody way.
15- 30 seconds of silence.
16- Solo piano. Midtempo and quite nice, a bit of classical feel.

Track Listing
1. Blaue Nixe (Part 1)   9. The Sun Seemed Never Again As Yellow
2. Blaue Nixe (Part 2)   10. Blaue Nixe (Part 5)
3. Verschiedene Annaherungen An Den Ton Ges   11. Blaue Nixe (Part 6)
4. Spieldosen   12. Blaue Nixe (Part 7)
5. Winter Thoughts   13. Das Tiefe A
6. Baba   14. Flutist With Hat And Shoe
7. Blaue Nixe (Part 3)   15. From What I Remember
8. Blaue Nixe (Part 4)   .