Puceanu, Romica & The Gore Brothers / Sounds From A Bygone Age, Vol. 2
Album: Sounds From A Bygone Age, Vol. 2   Collection:World
Artist:Puceanu, Romica & The Gore Brothers   Added:Feb 2007
Label:Asphalt Tango Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2007-02-25 Pull Date: 2007-04-29 Charts: Reggae/World
Week Ending: Apr 22 Apr 1 Mar 25 Mar 18 Mar 11 Mar 4
Airplays: 3 1 1 5 3 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 11, 2022: Global Ginga
Hora Lui Baila, Balanus, In Gradina Cu Tufani
4. Apr 18, 2007: Baptism of Solitude
Vintule, Bataia Ta
2. Aug 30, 2017: At the Cafe Bohemian
In Gradina Cu Tufani
5. Apr 17, 2007: 3:00 AM till 6:00 AM
Inima Suparacioasa
3. Apr 20, 2007: Around the World: No Cover, No Minimum.
Vintule, Bataia Ta
6. Mar 28, 2007: Old New Borrowed & Blues and then some...special guests James C and Chris B
Hora Lui Baila

Album Review
Reviewed 2007-02-21
ROMICA PUCEANU & GORE BROS. – “Music from a Bygone Age, Vol. 2”
Asphalt Tango, 2006

ROMANIA – Awesome Gypsy café music from the 1960s, sounds like something you’d find on a dusty old 78. The sweet-voiced Puceanu was queen of a genre known as “cântece de mahala” (songs of the suburbs), which reflected the lives of poor people through bouncy rhythms and emotional lyrics. The vocals are almost deadpan but hint of hardship and restrained power. The band is great fun, with accordion, 2 violins, cymbalom (dulcimer), bass and cobza (lute). Makes me want to drink.

Fo’s Picks: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7

1. 4:24 – fast and extra-bouncy
2. 2:43 – relaxed pace, heavy bass
3. 1:11 – quick, cartoonish inst.
4. 4:19 – dragging, circular rhythm
5. 7:15 – speedy, fantastic playing
6. 4:38 – loping rhythm, male vox
7. 2:20 – instrumental, Turkish feel
8. 3:28 – slow, plodding beat
9. 4:07 – bright and speedy
10. 2:15 – inst, tricky little melody
11. 4:19 – slow, high male vox
12. 3:53 – nice vox, record-skip feel
13. 2:14 – lilting instrumental

[ Fo ] 21-Feb-07

Track Listing
1. In Gradina Cu Tufani   8. Inima Suparacioasa
2. Balanus   9. Doi Tovarasi Am La Drum
3. Hora Lui Baila   10. Hora Dinspre Ziua
4. Sa Te Ajunga Dorul Meu   11. Adu Calu Sa Ma Duc
5. Vintule, Bataia Ta   12. Unde O Fi Puiul De Aseara
6. Pleaca-O Nevestica-N Lume   13. Hora Lui Gore Ionescu
7. Maneaua Florareselor   .