Vverevvolf Grehv / Zombie Aesthetics
Album: Zombie Aesthetics   Collection:General
Artist:Vverevvolf Grehv   Added:Mar 2008
Label:Relapse Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2008-06-29 Pull Date: 2008-08-31 Charts: Electronic, Loud
Week Ending: Jul 20 Jul 13 Jul 6
Airplays: 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 07, 2014: Deathcrush
4. Jul 05, 2008: On The Warpath
Audio Processor
2. Jul 19, 2008: Bloodstains Across Atherton - Yeah, I Gotta Do That, Too!
Emancipation Of Dissonance
5. Jul 04, 2008: Oatmeal: American as the 4th of July
Audio Processor
3. Jul 09, 2008: Baptism of Solitude

Album Review
Ragnar of Ravensfjord
Reviewed 2008-07-01
Strange metallic, experimental industrial drum machine hodge-podge made by Dapose, guitarist/bassist/keyboardist of The Faint. The vocals are often black and death metal-ish but the general feeling is one of skitzophernia & randomness. Interesting in places and odd all the way through.

((((1)))) Strange mix of disjointed electronic-industrial and death metal.
(((2))) Bits of cut up techno, more industrial and segments of distorted metal. Confusing as hell.
((3)) Noise and vocal samples then more of the kooky drum machines and guitar nuttery. Too much siliness, here.
(((4))) Huh? 1980’s New Wave with off-kilter Black Metal & guitar wank? Eh, it kinda works.
(((5))) Semi-structured yet scattered shot industrial, electronic metal oddness.
((6)) Jumpy beats, rough but present guitar sound, more batshit sort electro-techno stuff. Mostly half-assed.
(7) Pointless electronic fuckery.
((8)) “Poot-doot-doot” beat with “evil overlord” vocals (common in early-mid 90’s “heavy industrial” and metal)
(((9))) Chill, ambient (?!). Short piece.
((((10)))) Clang and mixed up beats, skitzo but ocassionaly structured and amusing.
((11)) A retarded electro-metal version of Foetus?

Track Listing
1. Emancipation Of Dissonance   7. Zombie Aesthetics
2. Eureka Ghost   8. Voodoo Pantheon
3. Audio Processor   9. Linking Life To Death In A Continous Experience
4. Your Zero   10. Psychotronic
5. Over Active Appreciation   11. Thinking And Feeling
6. Specimen Well   .