Notwist, The / Devil, You + Me, The
Album: Devil, You + Me, The   Collection:General
Artist:Notwist, The   Added:Jun 2008
Label:Domino Recording Company  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2008-08-17 Pull Date: 2008-10-19
Week Ending: Oct 19 Oct 12 Oct 5 Sep 28 Sep 21 Sep 14 Sep 7 Aug 31
Airplays: 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 5

Recent Airplay
1. May 11, 2013: Outrun My Gun
On Planet Off
4. Jun 27, 2010: The DJ Never Has It: Retrospective Edition
2. Feb 13, 2011: Late Train to Kyuushuu
5. Oct 30, 2009: Wendigo
3. Aug 20, 2010: Leland Lives!
6. Apr 07, 2009: I once was Canadian

Album Review
Reviewed 2008-10-01
The long awaited follow up to this German electro-organic group's 2002 album Neon Golden. This is their 6th overall album. It's a bit darker than Neon Golden, but is overall more of the same style: detached German-accented vocals over rock with electronic and organic elements together. I like this album, but it's no Neon Golden.

My picks: 1, 3, 4, 6, 9
med-fast. more rock than electro on this song. catchy, with alternating sparse and full-sounding sections.
starts with dark tremelo strings. mid-tempo, dark with electro beats and glitches.
mid-tempo, acoustic guitar + distant vocals.
dark and spastic beat; pensive, repeated guitar.
acoustic guitar, pretty subdued. bells and keys later.
med-fast. a slowly building wave of glitches and instruments.
med-slow. subdued. acoustic guitar and atmospheric percussion.
med-slow. heavy, dark beats.
med-fast. medium energy rock beat with jilty piano and steady guitar. nice harmonies later.
med-slow. slightly dark and subdued. casio-ish drums with various processed sounds, some guitar.
med-slow. acoustic, piano, vocals. very laid back.

Track Listing
1. Good Lies   7. Sleep
2. Where In This World   8. On Planet Off
3. Gloomy Planets   9. Boneless
4. Alphabet   10. Hands On Us
5. The Devil, You + Me   11. Gone Gone Gone
6. Gravity   .