Various Artists / Subcutaneous Sound
Album: Subcutaneous Sound   Collection:General
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Jun 2008
Label:Mills College Music Dept.  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2008-06-22 Pull Date: 2008-08-24 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Aug 24 Aug 17 Jun 29
Airplays: 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 22, 2008: Memory Select
3. Jun 27, 2008: Dreamtime, or Burrito
I Get Lost In The Supermarket, (Un)Focused
2. Aug 15, 2008: Memory Select
I Get Lost In The Supermarket

Album Reviews
Craig Matsumoto
Reviewed 2008-08-23
Aw, I liked it more than Y.I.F. did, but I can see where he's coming from. Some segments on here do seem to stew in their own seriousness.

7- Aram Shelton presents a drum attack plus saxophones that makes for a nice piece, kind of avant-jazzy.

6- Alee Kareem is the bassist for punk/noise attack band Mute Socialite. This track (led by Shayna Dunkelman, also of Mute Socialite, on vibes) is the opposite: an exercise in spare, lingering tones.
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2008-07-05
A sampler of sorts from whats latest at Mills College. A bunch of avante non musicial mostly boring stuff that had to be done. If you ever wonder what getting an advanced degree in composition from a high falutin school is like followed by a “career” in music academia then check this out. Then kill yourself or snort a lot of meth, cuz it doesn’t get any lamer than this. Mind you, I only added this for “educational purposes”.

1) subltle noise with echoey indecipherable female spoken word
2-4) random noises, blips, tones, washes
5) skronky jazz, with female vocalizations, very avante jazz
6) intense waves of tones, chill and hypnotic
7) cacophony of percussion, all things, with a slow melody of brass
8) echoey guitar tones, dirty electronics, a chill weirdness
9) chill piano with violin accompaniment
10) minimilist tones, yawn
11) avante sound collage, organic tones
12) blippy arty
13) blippy arty
14) okay, I remember my first bongos
15) in nice tone to start, then spoken word intellectualism, completely unlistenable

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Ayako Kataoko I Love You Adroitly
2. Travis Johns If We Try To Be Rational
3. Liz Meredith Winter Tracks
4. Paul Scriver Transcribed Space
5. Amanda Shoofe (Un)Focused
6. Alee Kareem I Get Lost In The Supermarket
7. Aram Shelton Peltep
8. Emily Packard Lost At Sea
9. Jason Hoopes Clear Abyss
10. Kevin Adams Genloss
11. Pushpins Stumbling, Floating
12. Brian James R2d2 Process
13. Bryan Tallman Bela
14. Anantha R. Kishman Elephants And Deforestation`
15. Peter Bo Rappmund Providence