Minton/Tsukasa/Yukie/Hiroshi / Nippara Tokyo
Album: Nippara Tokyo   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Minton/Tsukasa/Yukie/Hiroshi   Added:Jul 2008
Label:Austin Record  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2008-08-03 Pull Date: 2008-10-05 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Oct 5 Sep 21 Sep 7 Aug 31 Aug 17 Aug 10
Airplays: 2 1 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 04, 2008: On The Warpath
Track 3
4. Sep 05, 2008: Memory Select
Track 4 [excerpt]
2. Oct 03, 2008: Memory Select
Track 5
5. Aug 29, 2008: Oatmeal
Track 2
3. Sep 19, 2008: Memory Select, early edition
Track 3 [excerpt]
6. Aug 15, 2008: Memory Select
Track 1

Album Review
Reviewed 2008-08-05
MINTON/TSUKASA/YUKIE/HIROSHI - "Nippara Tokyo" CD (Austin Record)
Sax, electric guitar, electric bass and experimental vocal improv. Squirrely and prickly improvisation with some great vocal noises. Lots of extended techniques on the instruments. For fans of sound. Don't look for any clear rhythm or melody.
**1. Minimal in a sense taking it's time to add instruments and get squirrely. Lots of grunting and wet vocal sounds, string instrument torture and squirrely sax. Busy and louder for the last two minutes.
2. Elongated notes and lip-smacking noises. Later the vocals get scary.
**3. Long. Buzzing and droning noises at the beginning. Quiet in places. Sounds like some instruments are run through effects. About halfway through the guitar takes over a bit, strumming a few chords and then turning into D BAILEY style guitar improv. Track gets louder and busier and is more obviously jazz based. Minton whistles at the end of the track.
4. Very quiet beginning and stays minimal in way. Sax and vocals have a long conversation. I don't find these vocal improvisations very compelling.
5. Near silent for the first minute. Grunts and groans from the vocals. Stays mostly quiet for 10 of the 12 minutes. The last couple minutes are a nice group improv with vocals that sound like an angry cat.
6. Short, quiet, with scrapping or some sort of sounds on the instruments that sounds like crickets.
OK stuff -mph

Track Listing
1. Track 1   4. Track 4
2. Track 2   5. Track 5
3. Track 3   6. Track 6