Andre, Mark / Durch...Zu...In...Als!
Album: Durch...Zu...In...Als!   Collection:General
Artist:Andre, Mark   Added:Oct 2008

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2010-10-03 Pull Date: 2010-12-05
Week Ending: Dec 5 Oct 17
Airplays: 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Dec 02, 2010: orangeasm
2. Oct 14, 2010: orangeasm

Album Review
george lu
Reviewed 2011-01-06

Paris born contemporary/experimental composer. Google translate says that the title means: "through in a II." This music is really out there. Most of the first three tracks are empty space with chaotic spurts of instrumentation. Though according to the liner describes, each track is ludicrously complex and meticulously made. These songs are apparently a reflection on the bible, and music as an "existential experience."

I'd have to recommend 4 because that's the only track that is not 70% dead space

1. 16:32 never really starts. a series of squeaks and bursts of piano, drum and saxophone. LOTS of silence throughout
2. 9:36 String trio. Lots of barely detectable ambient sounds. It's similar to track 1
3. 10:46 Bass clarinet. Same idea as the first two
4.* 18:03 Bass clarinet, Piano, and cello. Much less empty space and by far the most active track. The instrumentals seem brooding and almost tribal. Suddenly shifts between quiet and loud in many many places. Last 4 minutes are mostly silence
George Lu

Track Listing
1. Durch   3. ...In
2. ...Zu...   4. ...Als... Ii