Young Widows / Old Wounds
Album: Old Wounds   Collection:General
Artist:Young Widows   Added:Nov 2008
Label:Temporary Residence Ltd.  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2009-02-08 Pull Date: 2009-04-12 Charts: Loud
Week Ending: Mar 8 Feb 22 Feb 15
Airplays: 1 1 3

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 28, 2010: public noize racket
Old Skin
4. Feb 14, 2009: Bloodstains Across Atherton-Chopped in Half
Took A Turn
2. Mar 04, 2009: The Heart of KZSU
The Guitar
5. Feb 11, 2009: Baptism of Solitude
21st Century Invention
3. Feb 21, 2009: Bloodstains Across Atherton-Grey & Darrrhurk
Took A Turn
6. Feb 11, 2009: public noize racket
Old Skin

Album Review
Ragnar of Ravensfjord
Reviewed 2009-04-21
Low-end, heavy rock with an interesting sound that its both modern and remicent of the early 90’s bands such as Jesus Lizard, Chokebore, Shellac & Quicksand. In all a pretty good release even though it’s not always “on” 100% of the time.

(((((1))))) Introspective, bass & long vocal intro, later a nice slow percussive structure with some simple trudging riffs.
((((((2))))) Wild guitar sound and layered vocals. Great mix of stop/starts ‘ala Quicksand & Jesus Lizard.
(((3))) Strange guitar harmonics but this gets bogged down in ‘weird tempo for the sake of being weird’.
((((4)))) Slow, dominate 1-2 chord & vocal sections ‘ala Shellac.
((((5)))) Huge low end, jud-judding along nice, very rawkin’. Ends with a crowd talking.
(((6))) more of the crowd talking then a long bassy, vocal-centered thing with a bits of guitar. The repated “ch-ch-ch-check out” parts get minus points.
(((7))) Open tuned guitars, slow build up, not bad but sounds like too many fair-to-middling acts from the 90s
(((8))) Bursting out, post-hardcore, fastish AmRep label style stuff but that excessive slide and cowbell should go.
(((9))) Rhythmic, doot-doot-ing all over. So-so vocals.
(((10))) Good drumming, feedback-laden guitars, recorded live, but lacks direction.
(((11))) Some interesting vocals and guitars but they’re two completely opposed elements that don’t combine for a solid whole.

Track Listing
1. Took A Turn   7. The Heat Is Here
2. Old Skin   8. Delay Your Pressure
3. Mr. No Harm   9. Let Him Be
4. The Guitar   10. Feelers
5. Lucky And Hardheaded   11. Swamped And Agitated
6. 21st Century Invention   .