Wyner, Yehudi / Orchestral Works
Album: Orchestral Works   Collection:Classical
Artist:Wyner, Yehudi   Added:Apr 2009
Label:Bridge Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2009-05-24 Pull Date: 2009-07-26 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jul 12 Jun 14 May 31
Airplays: 1 1 3

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 10, 2009: Memory Select
Piano Concerto, "Chiavi In Mano"
4. May 28, 2009: best of orangeasm part i
Lyric Harmony (Revised Version, 1996)
2. Jun 10, 2009: KZSU's Heartbleeps
Piano Concerto, "Chiavi In Mano"
5. May 27, 2009: public noize racket
Piano Concerto, "Chiavi In Mano"
3. May 29, 2009: Memory Select
Lyric Harmony (Revised Version, 1996) [excerpt]

Album Review
Red West
Reviewed 2009-05-20
Contemporary compositions (1994,1996,2005), rather melodic but in dissonant scales. Which suits the subject material

1. Piano & orchestra, like the scary part of a drama when things are going badly for the hero. Halfway through it eases up, then builds back, has some nice flowing bits (though always with that dissonance), ending is again jittery/forceful, brief bits of early blues/jazz idioms, ends leaving you hanging.
2. Sonoros cello/strings, starts low then goes high and pizzicato
3.near panic horns intro, then lamentation, revenge, regret, more musical arguing, ends calmer than it begins.
4.low strings, woodwinds, then flute. modern pastoral, outdoorsy with stress troubling nature.

Track Listing
1. Piano Concerto, "Chiavi In Mano"   3. Lyric Harmony (Revised Version, 1996)
2. Cello Concerto, "Prologue And Narrative"   4. Epilogue: In Memory Of Jacob Druckman