Simmons, Jade / Revolutionary Rhythm
Album: Revolutionary Rhythm   Collection:General
Artist:Simmons, Jade   Added:May 2009
Label:E1 Music  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2011-01-09 Pull Date: 2011-03-13 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Mar 13 Feb 6
Airplays: 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 09, 2011: Brownian Motion
Daniel Bernard Roumain: 24 Bits: Hip-Hop Studies & Etudes For Piano
2. Feb 05, 2011: Music Casserole
Daniel Bernard Roumain: 24 Bits: Hip-Hop Studies & Etudes For Piano

Album Review
Kamla Bhatt
Reviewed 2010-12-14
894 090

Jade Simmons, Piano “Revolutionary Rhythm”

An eclectic & interesting mix of music from 20th and 21st century composers. Jade Simmons shows off her skills as a pianist. A former Miss Illinois, she was the runner up at 2000 Miss America.

Try 7,8,16,17 and 18

Russell Pinkston's composition that has a minimalist sounds at time combined with strident and moody bits.
1. Mellow
2, Strident
4.Real slow, almost lingering

Samuel Barber's lovely piece Sonata for Piano, Op-26
7.Beautiful. Quick.
9.Slow, lingering
10.Upbeat/quick = uplifting

John Coriglaino's Etude Fantasy for Piano
11 Quiet, slow.
12.Fast like musical waves
14.Starts slows & builds up
15.Slow, quiet

Daniel Bernard Roumain's Bits: Hip-Hop Studio & Etude for piano
16.Delightful improvisation. Jazzy.
17.Modern sound. Lovely rhythm & beat.
18.Fantastic piece. Uber modern, funky & uptempo. Combines jazz ,funk & shades of hip-hop. This piece reminds me of Vijay Iyer's Galang.

Kamla Dec 13 2010

Track Listing
1. Russell Pinkston: Talespin For Piano And Prerecorded Sounds   3. John Corigliano: Etude Fantasy For Solo Piano
2. Samuel Barber: Sonata For Piano, Op. 26   4. Daniel Bernard Roumain: 24 Bits: Hip-Hop Studies & Etudes For Piano